Pastor Nader Hanna’s Ministry Transition and Support Appeal

“Great and amazing are your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty! Just and true are your ways, O King of the nations.” Rev 15:3

King of the Nations Ministries would like to announce that Pastor Nader Hanna is no longer a part of “Salam Ministries” (Pleae click on the link below to see Salam Ministries Board of Directors’ statement), and that he will continue his ministry under “King of the Nations Ministries,” also doing business as “One King.” We kindly ask you to update Pastor Nader’s information on your records… For pulpit supply, training, and outreach projects please email us at:, or call 714-724-2985. We are looking forward to working with you and your church to edify the Body of Christ, equip the saints for the work ministry, proclaim the Gospel to the unreached and the unchurched, and advance the Kingdom of God until “The kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ” Rev 11:15.

To continue to support Pasor Nader’s Ministry with 1King

Our friends and partners at “Messiah for Muslims” MFM are hosting our giving page until we set up our own very soon. They also receive checks on our behalf. So, you will, temporarily, be receiving your tax receipts from MFM… “King of the Nations” gets 100% of any gift you donate. To give online, find Pastor Nader’s page by clicking on the “Support Pastor Nader’s Ministry” button below, scroll down and click on the (Donate) button. On the donation page, please click on the arrow and select “Support Pastor Nader” as shown in the picture below.

The address to send checks is:

405 Rush St, Roselle, IL 60172

Write checks to “Messiah for Muslims”, and please designate them to Pastor Nader Hanna.

1King Bible Study at “Prince of Peace Lutheran Church” in Anaheim, CA. Thursdays, 6:00 pm. Join us if you are a local. Call 714 732 9672 for details. Bible study is also available on zoom. Email us for the zoom link at

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